New Feature: Monday Pretties

September 19, 2011 - comments
Because Monday's are never fun, I thought I would introduce a new feature for the blog. Every Monday I will post and image or a series of images to start your week off right. The images could be related to a project I'm currently working on or they could be something I simply think is pretty.

Back in Business

September 7, 2011 - comments
I had some computer troubles and I ended up having to get a new laptop, but I'm happy to say that I am up and running again. Yay! Read more...

Filed under: modern: blouses

Whistler’s Harmony in Blue and Gold: The Peacock Room

September 4, 2011 - comments

It’s no secret that I have a fascination with Aesthetic art and design, among many other things. I admit I am lured by the beauty and extravagance of the movement. Happily, at the distance of 150+ years, I can look at things through rose-colored glasses; I have the luxury of romanticizing the past and imagining it is applicable to my life.

So with that fascination in mind, this spring when my husband and I took a trip to Washington, D.C. for our anniversary, I made it a point to stop by the Freer Gallery of Art to check out the installation of Whistler’s Peacock Room. And boy, it didn’t disappoint.


Filed under: Aestheticism, travels

Aqua Francaise Portfolio Page Finished

August 28, 2011 - comments
I'm happy to say I finished another portfolio page. Check out my aqua francaise:


Filed under: 1770s

Victorian Naturalist Skirt Finished

August 25, 2011 - comments
Despite an injured arm, I did manage to draft a pattern for my Victorian Naturalist skirt and get the skirt to wearable state this week.


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