Riding Habit Sneak Peek

With less than a week until I leave for Williamsburg, I'm happy to say the bulk of my sewing is finished! The habit shirt and jacket are both wearable (though lacking buttonholes), and while the jacket is far from perfect, I'm not disappointed with my first attempts at tailoring. As you can tell, my final designed morphed from early to mid 1780s to very definitely late 1780s early 1790s. When I'm pressed for time, I dont fight the fabric, I just let it do the talking. I plan some more detailed construction posts later, but for now I have a few photos to share.

Posted: 3/20/2013 2:19:52 PM by Aubry | with 0 comments

Can't talk. Must sew.

With my Williamsburg deadline less than three weeks away, sewing has taken top priority. I’m thoroughly impressed with people who can manage to sew and blog at the same time. I don’t seem to have that talent, so until I get some projects off my plate, I will share a sneak peek at my new satin birthday dress.

Posted: 3/6/2013 11:55:01 AM by Aubry | with 0 comments

