First Piece of My Williamsburg Wardrobe Finished!
My wardrobe for my upcoming Williamsburg visit is coming along swimmingly and I'm happy to report that I have my first finished piece - a new brown wool petticoat.

Posted: 9/28/2012 1:00:18 PM by Aubry | with 0 comments

I am happy to say my costume portfolio page is now up to date! I haven't listed everything I ever made, but I do have pages for several of my older costumes. Not only does it show where I started, but I feel it better represents my personal style as a whole. Please excuse the lack of decent pictures. I really didn't know what I was doing back then. ;)

Posted: 9/26/2012 4:42:58 PM by Aubry | with 0 comments

I've been hard at work updating my costume portfolio page:

Posted: 9/23/2012 6:23:22 PM by Aubry | with 0 comments

1780s Riding Habit Scheming

I've wanted an 18th century riding habit for as long as I can remember (my childhood obsession with Felicitiy's riding habit being mostly to blame), and it’s been on my costuming bucket list for far too long. Since I will be visiting Williamsburg in the early spring rather than the brutally hot summer this year, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to finally make one! 

Posted: 9/14/2012 11:54:22 AM by Aubry | with 0 comments

So now that I'm all caught up on past projects, what's next on my costuming agenda?

Posted: 9/13/2012 5:27:48 PM by Aubry | with 0 comments

The NYC Blouse
In my last post I mention some printed silk I purchased at Mood Fabrics in the NYC fabric district. Despite the hefty price tag (it is Mood after all), I fell in love and couldn’t resist getting one yard to make a blouse.  I was super excited to work on the blouse once we got home from our trip, but Costume College sewing took precedence. However, the blouse was the first thing I worked on after recovering from the Costume College plague.

Posted: 9/6/2012 2:20:23 PM by Aubry | with 0 comments

New York, New York
At the beginning of July, my husband and I headed north for a whirlwind weekend in New York City. The trip was originally planned to visit with my brother-in-law, who was going to give us a tour of the city, but because of unforeseen circumstances my husband and I ended up on our own. It all worked out in the end as this left more room for fabric shopping. :)

Posted: 9/4/2012 7:37:01 PM by Aubry | with 0 comments

Costume College Sunday: Mauve Robe en Chemise
Continuing with our Costume College recap, on Sunday I wore a new Robe en Chemise (or chemise dress if I'm not feeling French) made from mauve silk broadcloth.

Posted: 9/1/2012 2:38:55 PM by Aubry | with 0 comments

