My Blog » Let's Talk Accessories

Let's Talk Accessories

I have to admit that I’ve gone a bit accessory-happy with this outfit. I’ve spent way too much time and probably too much money scouring eBay for the perfect additions to my outfit. I have found some really cool stuff, both antique and modern. In fact, I have so much stuff that I’m going to have to break it up into several posts. To accessorize this outfit my rule of thumb has been “what would a naturalist carry in the field?”

First, I’ll start with what I think is probably the coolest book I’ve ever bought. It’s a small book titled Wild Flowers: How to See and How to Gather Them. The book was published in London in 1861 and is in amazing condition. Its half bound in bright teal leather and the rest of the front, as well as the endpapers and the sides of the pages, is marbled with read and teal. The spine is gilt with a swirly decorative motif highlighting the edge. The binding is super tight, with no loose pages and there is no yellowing of the paper. It’s in such great condition that I’m almost afraid to use it.

The book is filled with black and white drawings but the best part is the multiple hand-colored engravings. Each one depicts several different kinds of flora, but unfortunately they aren’t individually labeled. The coloring is very precise and detailed, though.  Overall, it’s a fabulous edition and will make a great prop for my naturalist outfit.

Posted: 9/21/2011 8:51:27 PM by Aubry | with comments
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Project Details

Victorian Naturalist

