My Blog » A Stroll Through Bath

A Stroll Through Bath

And now for part two of my day out in Bath!

After tea, we strolled around Bath, stopping first at the Jane Austen Center to pose with the slightly creepy Jane statue.

Next we headed down the street to Queen’s Square where I found my new holiday home. I say this about a lot of places, but my new life goal is to have an ivy covered Georgian townhouse in Bath.

I was too shy to go up to the house, but Megan being the brazen Brit that she is felt no such qualms.

Katherine wisely ignored us, gracefully posing by the rail in her gorgeous beaded gown instead.

We wondered up toward the Royal Crescent, stopping for more photos along the way and finally we found a lovely little public garden to explore.

While wandering about in costume in Bath is a pretty amazing experience, the attention can be overwhelming if you are on the shy side like I am. Just like Colonial Williamsburg, Bath is full of tourist who seem to feel that if you are in costume you are part of the attraction and fair game for pictures, comments, etc. Some people are very nice and polite and seem genuinely interested, others not so much. It can be a bit jarring. I don’t mention this to put people off dressing up in public, but rather to let people have a realistic idea of what to expect. It might be obvious, but it can catch one off guard. That being said, while the main streets are rather crowded, there are lots of lovely secluded walks around town and parks where you can relax and enjoy yourself.   

This had to be my favorite outfit of the trip. I paired my green sarcenet gown with my new teal wool spencer, which kept me warm and toasty because I don’t believe England knows about this season called summer. The bonnet is from Anna Worden Bauersmith, and I decoracted it with some vintage blue moire ribbon and added an antique bonnet veil. I added my favorite shawl and my antique Georgian lamb brooch for accessories. And Robert Land regency boots, of course, because it always rains in Bath.

Posted: 4/26/2017 12:32:38 PM by Aubry | with comments
Filed under: 1790s, events, friends, travels
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Project Details

Teal Wool Spencer

