I’m a sucker for accessories.

December 18, 2012 - comments
Since my current sewing progress is rather boring (new shifts are not exactly thrilling blog material), I thought I would share some of my most recent accessory finds. You know one of my favorite parts of costuming is spending hours on eBay and Etsy searching for just the right thing to complete my outfit. I can’t help it. It’s an addiction.


Most of a Waistcoat

December 13, 2012 - comments
While waiting for the regency stays and card party dress fabric to arrive, I’ve been plugging away on my riding habit; this time tackling the waistcoat.


Riding Habit Petticoat and New Stays

November 5, 2012 - comments
Did you think I’d forgotten about my riding habit? I promise I haven’t, but lately I’ve been suffering from a severe case of CADD (Costuming ADD), jumping from project to project like a spastic puppy. However, despite my lack of focus, I have managed to finish the petticoat.


1780s Riding Habit Scheming

September 14, 2012 - comments

I've wanted an 18th century riding habit for as long as I can remember (my childhood obsession with Felicitiy's riding habit being mostly to blame), and it’s been on my costuming bucket list for far too long. Since I will be visiting Williamsburg in the early spring rather than the brutally hot summer this year, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to finally make one! 


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