A Ball in Bath

March 5, 2017 - comments
This past summer, I was lucky enough to spend two weeks visiting England and Scotland with my good friends Katherine and Megan. It was my first time traveling abroad with other history lovers and costumers, and we packed a lot of fun stuff into the trip, including a week-long stay in Bath. I had visited Bath once before with my husband in 2012 but it was only a small part of the trip (less than 24 hours) and ever since, I’ve dreamed of coming back for a longer stay and in costume. It’s just too perfect! Now that I’ve managed to achieve that goal, I’m hooked and can’t wait to return. Jane Austen Festival I’m looking at you! The first of a series of posts about my trip is a picture-heavy recap of the time I went to a ball and came home drenched in champage. Read more...

Filed under: 1790s, events, travels

2016 Year in Review

February 11, 2017 - comments
Remember me? Seriously, long time not post. It’s been well over a year since I’ve written anything on here, but I’m hoping to be a bit better about that in 2017. Read more...

2015 Sewing Year End Review

January 31, 2016 - comments
Happy 2016 everyone! I do realize the last day of January is rather late to post a year end reivew, but since I haven't actually made a blog post since August, I'm not doing too bad.  It felt like I barely sewed anything this past year, but looking at it all written out, I was actually decently productive considering how much my arm has bothered me. I've spent the last couple of months with a new round of doctor visits, tests, and physical therapy, and I finally have a concrete diagnosis for my arm issues - cubitial and carpal tunnel in my right arm. Woo! It's nothing I haven't suspected for a long time, but having positive test results has helped the doctor and therapist formulate a better treatment plan. No scarey surgery for me yet, thank goodness, but I do have to be very careful how I treat my arm. But enough of that. On to sewing!

Filed under: year end review

Costume College 2015 – Sunday at Lost Hope

August 9, 2015 - comments
Ever get a wild hair and decide you need a new outfit in the week before an event? Of course not, because you are sensible costumers, unlike me. With only 5 days to go, I decided make a Lost Hope dress in time for Costume College. I'm a huge fan of the novel Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell (and very pleased with the TV series too), I had the perfect fabric in the stash, and I just couldn't miss the opportunity to make something from one my favorite stories and join in on the group fun.

Filed under: 1790s, Costume College, Fantasy

Costume College 2015 - Saturday

August 7, 2015 - comments
I was tired very tired Saturday morning so I didn’t dress up, saving my energy for the evening's Gala instead. Read more...

Filed under: 1780s, Costume College, events
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