1796 Pink Jacket

A pink silk taffeta jacket, based off a 1796 painting.

Inspiration & Resources

Useful Books & Links Bradfield, Nancy. Costume In Detail: Women's Dress 1730-1930. Plays, Inc., 1985.

Payne, Blanche. History of Costume. Harper & Row, 1965.

Construction Details


The jacket is made from a pink and gold shot silk taffeta and is worn with a cream taffeta petticoat and brown taffeta sash.

I used my basic 18th century pattern as a starting point and based the peplum off this pattern in The History of Costume:

I didnt bother scaling up the patten but just sort of winged it. After I worked it up, it wasnt laying quite right so I fiddled with the peplum, adding a small dart to change the angle. Before (left) and after (right):


The front of the jacket was based off this dress in Costume in Detail:

The fabric is gathered at the top of the shoulder and at the center front from under the bust to the waist. There is a separate linen lining that pins closed under the silk.